Kitchen Tips and Advice

Along with the tips and tricks for the kitchen I have decided to share a simple,  filling recipe for people on that very restricted diet you need to follow when you have been diagnosed with Gastroparesis.  Gastroparesis is one of those diseases that I wouldn't wish on my greatest enemy, not that I have one.   It has a restrictive diet that is not easy to stick to.

Anyway, this little recipe is more for the semi-liquid stage.  I am able to have certain foods as long as they are finely chopped (once a day anyway).  It is easy to make, healthy and filling.

Before I begin I would like to share a diet recipe that I made to fit my Gastroparesis diet and my Diabetic diet.  It is filling,taste good, and I have no after effect of pain and no nauseous feeling.

My Sirloin Dinner Mix Recipe

                                                                                                                               Ingredients:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1/2 lb. sirloin ground meat (93% lean)
1 4 oz. can 1ushroom pieces and stems
1 container Minute Rice Brown and wild rice 


In small frying pan slowly cook ground sirloin crumbling into tiny pieces until browned through.  Turn burner off

Open mushrooms and drain.  Add to ground sirloin.

Heat brown and wild rice without cover in microwave for 1 minute.

Add rice to mushrooms and meat and stir.  Serve.

What you see on the plate above is half of the sirloin mix and 1/2 cup fat free small curd cottage cheese. It makes a delicious, nutritious, filling dinner for someone who is following a gastroparesis diet.
Kitchen Tips and Tricks
  • To keep your tomatoes from ripening to quickly: store tomatoes stem end down to keep them from spoiling as quickly. This prevents air from entering and moisture from exiting the scar where the tomato once attached to the vine. Storing them at room temperature rather than in the fridge also makes them last longer.
  •  To make buttermilk when there’s none of the real stuff in the fridge: Add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to regular milk. The mixture won’t get as thick and creamy as buttermilk, but it will help create fluffy pancakes and quick breads just the same.
  • To keep sticky substances from sticking to your measuring utensils or cups: Coat a measuring cup or spoon with hot water or a dab of cooking oil (or spray) before measuring sticky substances such as molasses or honey. The heat or oil will help it slide right off and into a mixing bowl without leaving any behind.
  • To keep from watering down your iced coffee: Fill an ice cube tray with leftover coffee (cooled to room temp) and let the cubes set in the freezer. The coffee cubes will keep an iced cup of coffee from becoming watered down. You can even customize the cubes by adding milk and sweetener,
  • Before stopping, dropping, and rolling, sprinkle baking soda onto a small grease or electrical fire to extinguish the flames. When heated, baking soda releases carbon dioxide, which helps stifle the fire.
                                                                                                                                                 My Favorite Tip of the Group
  • To tenderize super tough meat: Use baking soda to tenderize tough cuts of meat! All you have to do is rub a few tablespoons of baking soda on the meat and allow it to sit in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours. Once the allotted time has passed, take the meat out of the refrigerator and rinse it thoroughly. You'll be shocked by just how tender the meat it is when it is done.
I will be buying and trying this last tip on a London Broil. I know this works on tougher grades of steak.  I can't wait to see how it works on a London Broil.  I will let you know.


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